Meaningful Media

How Not to Lose Your Meaningful Data

dont_forgetFew things are more precious than one’s memories. We all like to collect family photos, home movies, and records of experiences, information, and stories to keep the memories alive. In the past, these items were stored on paper in a box in the closet, but today’s memorabilia is primarily digital. The most common way of storing them is on a hard drive or memory card.

Because of their inestimable value, the idea of losing those memories is unthinkable. One can’t go to the local department store and pick up a replacement of personal items such as a clip of your child reciting the alphabet for the first time, a photo of Grandpa holding his newest grandchild, or a scan of a hand-made Mother’s Day card from your five-year-old daughter. Experts advise that precautions be taken to preserve these special data files. One way to do this is to back up files periodically and store one copy at home and a second copy in an off-site location.

“Oh, No!” Moment

Despite efforts to protect our data, however, careless acts and accidents do happen that can cause the loss of irreplaceable media. Imagine the following possible scenarios:

  • Your home office suffers a power surge, wiping out your entire system.
  • A grandchild yanks the cables and sends your hard drive crashing to the floor.
  • Your teenager spills his soda on the laptop, frying the components.

The first inclination you might have in such a situation may be to curse the weather, clobber your teenager, or banish your grandchild, until it occurs to you that they are the children in the photos that you may never see again. If something like this happens to your data, you should know that there is hope for the recovery of lost data: you need not despair.

Hope and Help Are Here

With the help of a data recovery service, what may seem to be a lost cause may not be a total loss. Using specialized tools and techniques, a professional data recovery team can safely retrieve data from damaged computer in most cases – up to 85% of the time. This can be done whether the problem was caused by physical damage, as described above, or was the result of a logical error, such as accidental deletion or formatting, for example.

Reclaiming Your Remembrances

Documentation of your children’s milestones, the photos of your ancestors that you spent hours scanning, your vacation journal, the elaborate digital scrap books you created, and all your other unique records are still within the machine’s storage device (i.e. a hard disk or memory stick/card) and can be located and retrieved by the engineer. In the event that you have need of these services, take a deep breath and keep your cool. Just contact your local Ottawa, ON data recovery services provider for free consultation or submit your recovery request here and you can rest assured that your precious records would be recovered.

Great service! Got all of my files back!

Great service! Got all of my files back!

My hard drive was almost 2tb full of files, and got knocked on to the floor by my cat. No computer recognized my hard drive when I plugged it in afterwards, so I thought all of my files were gone forever. I had a lot of very sentimental videos/images on there, so the thought of not getting them back was devastating. I brought my hard drive in to HDD recovery Services, and they managed to recover all of my files! I was so thrilled! They walked me through every step that they took, and recommended many ways to avoid it from happening again. So glad I went with HDD Recovery Services!

- Kelly Logan

Happy customers are our #1 priority
To ensure you walk away happy, with recovered intact, we offer all customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If we come up short in anyway, between evaluation of your hard drive and the delivery of your recovered files, we will either make it work or refund 100% of all labor costs. No questions asked.
Les clients heureux sont notre priorité #1
Pour assurez que vous étes heureux avec vos données intact, on offrent nos clients une garantie 100% satisfaction. Si vous trouver que entre l’évaluation gratuit est la livraison de vos données on a faite gaffe, on est prêt a réctifier la situation ou faire remboursement a 100% sur les mains d’oeuvres sans questions.